Find out more and apply via Naviance - Deadline is March 31, 2025. Apply now to get your CASH!!!


Hey Seniors! Before you really get into your spring seasons or training, knock out your application for one of the Herndon Sports Boosters scholarships -!

Purpose: To award one-time scholarships to senior student-athletes who have excelled athletically and academically, and who are active members in the community.


  • HHS Sports Boosters Ruth LeDane & Bill Hildbold Scholarship Award – 3 male
    athletes and 3 female athletes will receive $2,000 awards.

  • HHS Sports Boosters Jason Wilt Scholarship Award – 1 athlete will receive a
    $1,000 award.

  • HHS Sports Boosters Donny Soberdash Scholarship Award – 1 three-sport athlete will receive a $500 award. Must have played three sports for at least two years.


  • Must have earned a minimum of 2.75 GPA or higher.

  • Must have demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship, respect for coaches, officials, administrators, and community involvement.

  • Demonstrated involvement in high school sports for at least three years and have earned two varsity letters.

  • Must be active in activities outside of sports, whether that be a community organization or other HHS club or group.